Loading the TCP file in Tally Prime
Tally is a very flexible software which can be customized as per the customer need. Hence, the customized files, needs to be downloaded in Tally to make the due changes. Step 1. Open the respective company and Gateway of Tally Step 2. Press "F1 : Help" in top right corner Step 3. Under this pop up click on "TDLs & AddOns" >> "F4: Manage Local TDLs" Step 4. Specify the path of the TDL and mark "Load TDL" as 'Yes' Step 5. Click on "F6: Add-On Features" and activate the respective add-on Step 6. The respective add-on is activated and ready to use.
Loading the TCP file in Tally.ERP9
You can attach the TCP file in Tally in the Tally.ini file file or in the Tally.ERP 9 configuration screen.
To load TCP files in Tally.ERP 9
Start Tally.ERP 9 .
Go to F12 Configuration > ProducT & Features .
Click F4: Manage local TDLs .
The TDL Configuration screen appears as shown below.